Monday, July 25, 2016

AUS Daintree River

Scarface the croc

Rather spontaneously we decided to drive even further north than Cairns to see more of the rainforest and its habitants. Participating in a guided tour on the Daintree River, we got lucky and spotted a couple of wild crocodiles.

Luckily, the tour guides don't feed the crocodiles living along the Daintree River. We could observe them in their natural state, peacefully taking an afternoon nap along the river banks. Scarface, the dominant male in the area, even took a swim, crossing the river to inspect a cow on the other side.

Looking for the crocs
Looking for the crocs
Taking a selfie in the meanwhile
Daintree River
Scarface the croc
Scarface the croc
Scarface the croc

Happy face
another crocodile
Daintree River
Happy faces after the tour
Escaping the bad weather in Cairns
Escaping the bad weather in Cairns
Back to our camp somewhere far from the river and any crocs

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