Sunday, April 17, 2016

AUS Dover II (Tasmania)

Farmwork (more or less)

Every day starts out with a mesmerising sunrise over the river valley on our 50 min drive from Huonville to Dover. The drive to Dover and back, in the heated hostel van, is definitely one of the highlights during these cold autumn days.

After 3 weeks of monotonic apple picking it is getting harder to keep focused and motivated. The animals on the farm are a welcome excuse to take a break every now and then. I must admit that the farmer's family has to take Benzin, the farm dog, inside the house every couple of days, because he distracts me too much from work. I may spend a little too much time hanging out and playing with the dog, but I can't help it.

Huonville to Dover drive
Huonville to Dover drive
Huonville to Dover drive
Huonville to Dover drive

Huonville to Dover drive

Huonville to Dover drive

Huonville to Dover drive

Huonville to Dover drive

Huonville to Dover drive

Not feeling it

Having a quick nap in the bin instead

Stunning views over the orchard 
Stunning views over the orchard
A rainbow almost every single day!

Bezin is always up for a good Labrador hug
Taking a break - Playing with Benzin
He loves chewing on my hand and wrist
A very satisfied dog
Kisses from Benzin
A wild cat visiting me in my row

Hide & Seek with my favourite baby cow

<3 Baby cow <3

The animals I don't necessarily want to meet whilst working 
Hard workers chilling in the hostel van 
Hard workers chilling in the hostel van 
Happy end of the day after a $1 hot shower

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