Saturday, May 28, 2016

AUS Childers


Continuing my 88 farm work days in Childers picking cherry tomatoes, which is poorly paid with $6 per bucket and makes survival a rather difficult challenge. Nevertheless, living in the Sugar Bowl hostel accompanied by good people makes me enjoy the small town life in the middle of nowhere. Reunited with old friends from Sydney and my boyfriend Nick, we're making the best of the hard work. It is physically the hardest work I have ever done in my life, but a good experience. Spending 8h on the field under Queensland's boiling sun keeps the body fit and to its limits.

Day by day, I wake up at 4am in the morning to take the bus to work, although it spoils me with a stunning sunrise every morning. We work until dusk with a spectacular sunset as reward at the end of the day.
Working 6 days a week, leaves 1 day for little adventures escaping the daily hostel life. The decision to buy a 4x4 as my first car luckily leaves us the flexibility to go places.

Last week, I finally started working as an avocado picker, which is paid hourly and gives us the chance to save up money for a little East Coast roadtrip during July.

Sunrise at the cherry tomato farm

Sunrise at the cherry tomato farm

Picking cherry tomatoes in boiling temperature..

...although in good company

Never ending tomato rows

Tomato farm

Filling bucket after bucket

whilst being attacked by vicious plants

The packing shed

Mood at the end of the day
Relaxing back at the Sugar Bowl hostel

Sugar Bowl Hostel

Sugar Bowl Hostel

Keeping the mind busy and making new friends
Surrounded by horses and wild kangaroos

My heart skips a beat when they come up that close to our home


Off to Woodgate beach 30min from Childers

Wild kangaroos along the street

Wild kangaroos along the street

Woodgate beach

Woodgate beach

Woodgate beach

Sunset at Woodgate beach

Sunset at Woodgate beach

My first car

Sunset at Childers

Sunset at Childers

Sunset at Childers

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