Sunday, February 21, 2016

GER // Cologne Carnival //

Homesickness is the new Wanderlust

How to describe Cologne carnival?  

Here is an excellent attempt in form of a movie, currently showing in Cologne's movie theaters:

Or, beautifully phrased by a tourist, who described his experience with Cologne's dearest tradition (for the original text in German please click here):
"Dear Cologne,We need to talk.About this Carnival. These six days when the city turns into a painful, bawling madhouse. At least that is what I thought the first few years here.Then, I went for a coffee with friends, on Carnival Saturday. After the coffee, we had a Kölsch (beer), then we left the cafe to go to a pub. Then, many Kölsch and many pubs! And a lot of music, and everywhere people. They all knew about the old Mrs. Schmitz, the lovely Marielche - and the fact that one does not cry out of love.Since then, I see the city differently. In war, bombed like no other; To this day, licking its old wounds. And afterwards decomposed by Kölsch nepotism and insane urbanisation. And Cologne? Responding in the most insane way that I can think of: with humour and optimism to the extend of truth denial. Believing their city is the best and most beautiful in the world. Seriously!You might find this attitude stupid or naive. I find them likeable and pleasing.  Not looking for the fly in the ointment. Laughing into the face of bitter reality instead of howling. The fact that this reality is out there, is suspected by the people of Cologne. But they gather around her carnivalesque campfire. And sing louder; Next to nonsense also songs about fear, the loss of family, friends, youth, prosperity, love and home. Time to listen.

They don't
pull up any fences, but invite the rest of the world under the warm blanket of madness."
- Tim Karlingsbums
And yes, he is right. We shake up the happiness in everyone, every single year!

Travelling around the globe to be home for the 5th and best season of the year.


A personal snapshot

On Thursday the madness begins! 

Throughout the Rhineland, Weiberfastnacht deemed an unofficial holiday, workers only work until noon in most places. The celebrations usually start at 11:11 AM. Unlike the Rose Monday and other days, on Weiberfastnacht there are usually no parades, instead everyone dresses up and celebrates in the pubs and in the streets.

It is a custom on this day that women cut mens' ties as a symbol of male power. So the men run around with a tie stump for which they are compensated with a Bützchen (kiss).
Meeting with the crew for breakfast and a first beer!

Finishing make up and costume together

Strolling around the city, meeting all the other crazy people

Welcome to Cologne's street carnival

Eventhough it is sometimes raining...

...nobody cares!

There are free open air concerts everywhere in the city:

And singing and partying in the local pubs:

Friday = Filler day

Hangover day in style!

No can do without a costume!

Saturdays tradition

Everywhere neighbours open up their garages and homes, bursting with food and decorations, to watch, with friends and family, the charming parades in each of Cologne's districts.

Saturdays crew..

...each year!

Traditions to keep you warm, while waiting for the parade to start.

Inviting my French friends "under the warm blanket of madness"

Impressions from one of the smaller but charming parades

Impressions from one of the smaller but charming parades

Impressions from one of the smaller but charming parades
Impressions from one of the smaller but charming parades
Impressions from one of the smaller but charming parades

For every flower a kiss in return xx

Cologne's coat of arms

Going to the local pub after the parade to see all the familiar faces...

...and to cherish traditions!


...after year!

Sundays big "aftershow" party

Coming together again for the biggest show and to party away the hangover!

Lachende Kölarena

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