Thursday, July 23, 2015

New Caledonia // Best Bougna in Bourail //

Artist's paradise

On the way back to Nouméa we took a lunch break at 'Le paradis d'Amedée' to eat the most famous Bougna in Bourail (reservation 3 days in advance).

Bougna is a traditional feast dish of the Kanak people of New Caledonia. The word "bougna" comes from the Drehu word "puhnya" meaning "bundle", "pack". Bougna often contains taro, yam, sweet potato, banana, and pieces of either chicken, fish, crab, prawns or lobster. 

The ingredients are wrapped in banana leaves and then buried to cook in a ground oven, which uses red-hot rocks heated by fire. After about two hours of cooking, the banana leaves are unearthed and unwrapped, and the contents are eaten.

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