Saturday, September 22, 2012


  My camera is still broken... so all the credits to Juna, Kristina & Püppi for the photos

On our way from Kuta to Balangan Beach

Angus & Julia Stone - 'Just a boy'

#1#2 Surfin' Kuta Beach
3# Junas Birthday @ Bounty & SkyGarden #4 our homestay

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Java // SURABAYA Campus

Introduction days at Universitas Surabaya - Ubaya //
13th-14th of august 2012


Some of the exchange students 2012/13 @ Ubaya

Exchange students from Holland//China//France//Germany @ International Village Building

Charity event. Giving gratis food away during Ramadan.

Friday, September 7, 2012


All Cameras broken...

Luckily we could borrow a camera from another tourist for visiting Borobudur & Prambanan temple. More photos coming soon..
Hopefully the cameras can be repaired in time for other trips.

My camera is not fixed yet, but at least here are some pics from our Trip to the temples.


Saturday, September 1, 2012


Some impressions of living in Indonesia after about 1 month


Sun sets already at around 6.30pm. Sunrise is at 5.30am.


There are almost no pavements in Surabaya. The only way to get around is by taxi. No matter where you go in Surabaya it'll always take about 1h and cost you 30.000-60.000 IDR. Traffic is always crowded with innumerous scooters. Traffic lanes only exist theoretically. 



One of the few

There is no so called city center in Surabaya. Big malls are the place to be for indonesien (rich) people. There's are malls for everything you could wish for: one for  electronic devices, one for shopping, another for food and of course a whole mall full with bars and one club.
Let's go to the mall ...everyday!







'Sorry can I take a picture with you?'

People around here are very curious about us white students. They are taking pictures of us everywhere.. Some of them want a picture with us and ask for it nicely. But most of the time pictures are taken hidden with mobiles. It got way too akward at the Zoo when we recognized that we were the more attractive photo-object for locals while we were taking pictures of tigers & other animals.
I even got filmed by one man.


Ramadan sucks for those who are not used to it. The 1st week we arrived in Surabaya it was not allowed to eat in the streets until sunset, paying respect to those who participate in Ramadan. Since 80% of the indonesian population is muslim this was quite a strict rule. Alcoholic drinks were also forbidden.


Idul Fitri Holiday. Approximately two weeks following the Ramadan in which all Indonesians travel to their hometown. Travelling gets very expensive and the traffic is more chaotic than usual. Nevertheless we used the break to travel around Bali.


Best meals

Gado Gado (warm vegetable salad) --- in Amed

Nasi Campur (rice with 3 kinds of mixed vegetables & chicken) --- in Cemoro Lawang

Nasi Goreng Jawa (spicy, fried rice with chicken) --- at Raya Tenggilis in Surabaya

Mie Cap Cay (fried noodles with vegetables + chicken & other unidentified meat) --- at Raya Tenggilis in Surabaya


?! Fun Fact: With every meal (no matter what you order) there comes an egg: fried, scrambled or boiled.



Most important words we learned
* terima kasih // thank you
* sama-sama // you're welcome
* ayam // chicken
* mie // noodles
* nasi // rice
* wanita/ pria // female/ male
* hati hati // attention
* orang //human



Typical questions we are asked by locals

* Where you from?

* Where you stay?

* Where you go?

* What's you're name?

* Need transport? -No matter what reaction, the question is followed by...
* I give you local price
* Cheap Cheap!
* Discount! Discount!


Nightwalk at 3am.

middle picture. credits @ Lea

 'Facing the Sun'


Desert around Bromo

'I've been through the desert on a horse with no name'

Best Warung in Cemoro Lawang

Java // SURABAYA Zoo

Komodo Waran