Sunday, July 29, 2012

Thainland // KO PHANGAN

10th DAY # Arrival on Ko Phangan

Beach in front of our hotel (for 5 € per night!) at Ban Kai

My favourite spot in the morning when everyone is still asleep
'She'd dream of Paradise'

11th DAY # Half Moon Festival

Jungle Party

fluorescent tattoos & accessoirs

12th DAY # Haad Rin Beach

Haad Rin Beach
Jack Johnson - 'Traffic in the sky'

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


9th DAY # Visiting Khao Sok Nationalpark

waterfall. monkey. viewpoint. canoeing. fresh litchi.

picking some fresh litchis

Our Guide & Driver

Meeting Worapoj Petchkoom for lunch

Thailand // KHAO LAK

8th DAY # Relaxing at Green Beach Resort & Spa

Breakfast & Relaxing at the Beach

Our fav restaurant with the best pancake in town

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thailand // AYUTTHAYA

6th DAY # Trip to Ayutthaya

Thailan // BANGKOK #2

5th DAY # back in Bangkok

little Party at YNOT Bar after a long ride back to the city


3rd DAY # Arrival in Siem Reap 

Siem Reap by night

 4th DAY # visiting Floating Village & Angkor Wat


Impressions of Floating Village.

Middle one: Housboat is moving to another place.. causing traffic jam.


Houseboat. Our guide & driver. We on tour. Crocodile farm. Resident of Floating village.

Wild Life


3 Angels for Timmiiiii on their mission

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thailand // BANGKOK #1

1st DAY # Arrival in Bangkok


  D&D Inn @ Khao San Road


2nd DAY # in Bangkok







Sushi Time. All you can eat. OK LOS!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hey Kölle do bes e Jeföhl!

Letzter Abend mit einem krönender Abschluss bei den Kölner Lichtern für eine fabulöse letzte Woche in der Heimat.
Danke an Alle, für die vielen großen und kleinen Abschiedsparties.

Last evening in Cologne at 'Kölner Lichter'.